Dalhousie University

Opportunity for a Research Associate at Dalhousie University

Corkum Learning/Attention/Behaviour/Sleep (LABS) (https://www.dal.ca/sites/corkum-lab.html) is located in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University. The research conducted through Corkum LABS aims to develop knowledge and skills of parents, teachers, and healthcare providers who live and work with children (including those with neurodevelopmental disorders) using innovative technology to deliver evidence-based interventions to improve the…

World Sleep 2023

Keynote Survey for World Sleep 2023

What topics and new developments do you want to see discussed at World Sleep in Rio de Janeiro? The Program Committee for World Sleep 2023 is collecting feedback for the selection of keynote presenters and welcomes your input. Your comments and ideas will be used to help plan the scientific program for World Sleep 2023…

Postdoctoral applicants for CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship

Overview (further details available at CIHR Health Systems Impact Fellowship): Two-year post-doctoral fellowship starting Sept 2022 Stipend: $70,000 per year Professional development training and research allowance: $7,500 per year Application deadline Feb 24, 2022 (U of Calgary internal deadline: Feb 18, 2022) Health System Support provided by the Respiratory Health Section of the Medicine SCN…