Here is general information about awards offered from the CSS.

Please note that the CSS-ICRH Student Travel Award is offered as per CIHR availability. All society awards are offered only in years the CSS conference is held.

CIHR-ICRH Spring Travel Awards

The CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (CIHR-ICRH) and the Canadian Sleep Society(CSS) partnered in 2023 on the Spring Travel Awards to support trainees registered in a master’s or doctoral program, or at the post-doctoral or post-health professional degree stage to present their research (oral or poster), relevant to the Institute’s strategic priorities and mandate, at national or international meetings, conferences or symposia.

The ICRH Travel Awards Funding Opportunity was expected to provide travel funds to individuals in aid of knowledge mobilization activities consistent with the CIHR-ICRH’s vision, mandate and strategic directions. In addition to this overarching objective, the Canadian Sleep Society (CSS) provided funds for travel awards related to knowledge mobilization of Sleep Research.

The selected candidate had to be a Trainee registered full-time in a Master’s or doctoral program OR be at the post-doctoral or post–health professional degree stage. The applicants had be the first author and presenter of the presentation or poster.

The value of the award was $1,500.

This award is not currently active.

CIHR-ICRH/CSS Distinguished Lecturer Award in Sleep Sciences

The CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (CIHR-ICRH) and the Canadian Sleep Society(CSS) partnered in 2023 on the CIHR-ICRH/CSS Distinguished Lecturer Award in Sleep Sciences to recognize an individual’s outstanding contribution to the advancement of sleep sciences both in Canada and internationally. The award was presented to the selected candidate at the April 27-29, 2023 Canadian Sleep Society Conference, where the recipient delivered a lecture as part of the scientific program.

The selected candidate had to be an outstanding scientist who had conducted the majority of their research in Canada and who had contributed significantly to the advancement of sleep sciences. Nominees could have conducted work in any one of a number of sleep disciplines and within any of the four CIHR research theme areas: biomedical; clinical; health systems and services; and social, cultural, environmental and population health. The selected candidate’s research topic had to be relevant to the 2023 Canadian Sleep Society Conference attendees, where the award was presented.

The award consisted of a $5,000 honorarium in addition to coverage of all expenses (e.g., travel, accommodations, registration fee, etc.) for the recipient to attend the 2023 Canadian Sleep Society Conference and to deliver a lecture on a research topic relevant to a broad research audience.

This award is not currently active.

CSS Distinguished Scientist Award

The CSS Distinguished Scientist Award is in recognition of a scientist who has made significant contributions to the field of sleep research in Canada. It is awarded at the Conference of CSS and the recipient is invited to give a keynote address. The Executive Board of the CSS determines the Distinguished Scientist Award nominee.

Past Winners of the Distinguished Scientist Award:


2007 Jacques Montplaisir
2009 Carlyle Smith
2011 Ben Rusak and Meir Kryger
2013 Joseph De Koninck
2015 Elliot Phillipson
2017 Barbara E. Jones
2019 Kazue Semba
2021 Julie Carrier
2023 Charles Morin

John Peever

CSS Dental Award

(more information to come)

CSS Technologist Service Award

Each year the Canadian Sleep Society recognizes an individual technologist member in good standing for their professional excellence, service and commitment to the Society. This award honours and recognizes a CSS member who has made significant contributions to the growth and development of the sleep technology profession. The CSS Technologist Service Award recipient will be recognized at the Annual General Meeting, and receive a plaque, a cheque for $300.00 and a one year membership to the CSS.

The technologist must be nominated by a member of the CSS in good standing. The nominee will submit an essay to the Society, outlining the work and contributions that provided growth and development for the sleep technology profession.

Applicants are expected to have a current membership to the CSS prior to application for this award.

Please submit applications by email with the subject “CSS Technologist Service Award” to:

Deadline for submission:
January 31st, 2025

Past Winners of the Technologist Service Award:

2016 Michael Eden
2017 Laree Fordyce
2021 AnDrea Siemens
2023 Colin Massicotte

CSS Roger Broughton Young Investigator Award

The Roger Broughton Young Investigator Award honours the contributions of Dr. Roger Broughton, founding President of the Canadian Sleep Society (1986-88), and one of the founding figures of Canadian sleep research.

The award will be made to a young scientist for important early career research contributions, rather than a single submitted abstract or paper. The winner will receive an award of $1,000.

The award will be made on the basis of an assessment by a distinguished panel of judges including former Presidents of the CSS and past winners of this award. This is not intended to be a post-doctoral level award, but instead is open to members of the CSS who are conducting research at a Canadian institution (i.e., in a junior Faculty position). Eligibility is restricted to early career researchers (ECR), as defined by CIHR1, at the time of application.

Deadline for submission:
November 15th, 2024

Submission requirements:

  • A current curriculum vitae
  • Two reference letters (sent directly to the CSS by the referees) and
  • A one-page (500 words) statement summarizing their early career contribution to sleep research and its significance.
  • Applicants are expected to have a current membership to the CSS prior to application for this award.

Please submit applications by email with the subject “Roger Broughton Young Investigator Award” to:

The CSS is strongly committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion. The CSS encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Indigenous persons, members of sexual minorities, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification; candidates are invited to self-identify in their applications.

An early career researcher (ECR) is a researcher within five years from the date of their first research-related appointment, minus eligible delays in research, where:

  • research-related appointments are defined as those where the individual has the autonomy to conduct research independently;
  • all eligible leaves (e.g. maternity, parental, medical, bereavement) are credited as twice the amount of time taken;
  • professional leaves (e.g. training, sabbatical, administrative) are not credited.
  • All time spent in research appointments/positions will be taken into consideration when determining eligibility irrespective of time spent in a clinical component or other duties (i.e. administrative, academic, etc). Should an applicant hold or have held a part-time appointment/position, CIHR will count that time as 50% (e.g., a one-year part-time appointment/position will count for 6 months towards the maximum).

To account for the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, all those who held ECR status – or who secured their first academic appointment – between March 1, 2020, and September 15, 2022, will have their status extended by 24 months.

Past Winners of the Roger Broughton Young Investigator Award:

2004 Kimberly Cote
2007 John Peever and Penny Corkum
2009 Jean-Francois Gagnon
2011 Robyn Stremler
2013 Antoine Adamantidis
2015 Thanh Dang-Vu and Jean-Philippe Chaput
2017 Stuart Fogel
2019 David Samson
2021 Guido Simonelli
2023 Rebecca Robillard

CSS Outstanding Trainee Achievement Award

This award recognizes an outstanding research effort by a student or postdoctoral fellow in the field of sleep research.

The basis for evaluation of candidates is the scientific merit of a single publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The candidate should be the first author, and the article must be published or officially accepted for publication by the application deadline. Only articles published after September 2023 will be considered.

The award consists of a $500 honorarium.

To apply, candidates must follow the guidelines and conditions outlined below. The CSS Trainee Outstanding Achievement Award can only be received once by an individual.

Deadline for submission:
November 15th, 2024


  • The applicant must be a full-time student or post-doctoral fellow registered at a Canadian university, at both the time of the publication and the application.
  • Applicants are expected to have a current membership to the CSS prior to application for this award.

Please submit applications by email with the subject “Trainee Outstanding Achievement Award” to:

Applications should include: a copy of the publication (including proof of acceptance if the article is not published yet), and a one-page (max. 500 words) statement summarizing the significance and impact of the publication.

The CSS is strongly committed to the values of equity, diversity and inclusion. The CSS encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, members of visible minorities, Indigenous persons, members of sexual minorities, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to diversification; candidates are invited to self-identify in their applications.

Past Winners of the Trainee (Student) Outstanding Achievement Awards:

2009 Patti Brooks
2011 Ari Shecter, Émilie Fortier-Brochu
2013 Jennifer Lapierre
2015 Kevin Grace
2017 Richard Boyce
Samuel Laventure
2019 Erlan Sanchez
2021 Claudia Picard-Deland
Véronique Latreille
2023 Shady Rahayel

CSS Student Abstract Competition

Each year the CSS holds a competition for CSS student members for the best abstract submitted (to either SLEEP in the U.S., or CSS when conferences are held in Canada). The competition is open to trainees (undergraduate or graduate students) who are current CSS members.

The CSS Student Abstract Award recipient will be recognized at the meeting, receive a certificate, a cheque for $300.00, and a one-year membership to the CSS.

Submission requirements:

  • Send a copy of the meeting abstract (CSS or SLEEP) and confirmation of its acceptance
  • Applicants are expected to have a current membership to the CSS prior to application for this award.

Deadline for submission:
October 31, 2024

Please visit the conference website to submit your abstract for consideration. Trainees can indicate if they want to have their submission considered for the Student Abstract Prize during the submission process.