Your donation will help in the following ways:
Donations help to support the CSS to liaise with federal funding agencies and the Canadian Sleep and Circadian Network to increase research funding opportunities in the field; and to facilitate and participate in working groups to generate clinical guidelines for sleep disorders medicine and technology.
Donations help to support the organization of CME and CE credit programs for technologists, physicians and psychologists through CSS sponsored educational events; and of dedicated workshops at conferences for students, technologists, and dentists. Donations directly support annual abstract competitions to support student and technologist travel awards to attend scientific conferences; and awards to recognize outstanding student contributions, young investigators, and distinguished scientists in the field.
Knowledge Transfer
Donations help to support the dissemination of the happenings of the Society and within the field of sleep in general in our newsletter Vigilance; and the production of patient brochures, public lectures, and policy statements and guidelines. Donations help keep the CSS clinic listing up to date and freely available.