Corkum LABS is hiring! Are you passionate about sleep and mental health research?
Visit the job postings to learn more: Post-Doctoral Fellow: Research Associate:
Visit the job postings to learn more: Post-Doctoral Fellow: Research Associate:
Corkum Learning/Attention/Behaviour/Sleep (LABS) ( is located in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University. The research conducted through Corkum LABS aims to develop knowledge and skills of parents, teachers, and healthcare providers who live and work with children (including those with neurodevelopmental disorders) using innovative technology to deliver evidence-based interventions to improve the…
Job summary: Corkum LABS is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow for our current research programs focused on pediatric sleep and school mental health. Supervised by Dr. Penny Corkum, the successful candidate will work on current research projects at Corkum LABS, with a focus on data management, analysis, and manuscript preparation. The candidate will adhere to research…